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Thank you for visiting the Los Angeles County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs' updated complaint reporting system.

To file a new service request against suspected price gouging, follow these steps:

  • Click the box that reads: "Create a Service Request"
  • Under "Create Case" select "Investigations"
  • Under "Complaint Type" select "Price Gouging"
  • Click "Next"
  • You're ready to begin filing your service request with DCBA! We will ask you to provide any relevant contact information for other parties or businesses, as well as any documents you have that support your filing.

Please make sure to have this information available as you fill out the service request.

If you previously registered on stoppricegouging.dcba.lacounty.gov, we have transferred your registration to our new complaint reporting system. You will need to reset your password for continued use.


DCBA takes your information and privacy seriously and we make every effort to protect the personal information you provide. However, in certain circumstances, we may need to share a copy of this form and any supporting documents you provide, if necessary, with:

  • The parties you identified to try and resolve the topic of your filing.
  • Other relevant consumer protection agencies
  • In response to a court order or subpoena
  • In response to a Public Records Act request

Once you have completed filling out the form, before submitting, you will be required to acknowledge that under the California Public Records Act (PRA), in certain circumstances, DCBA may be required to provide access to public records we maintain, including requests for assistance and supporting documents. This may include some or all written and electronic information obtained, except where exempt from disclosure by law.

DCBA will withhold any records from disclosure which are exempt or when the public interest clearly outweighs the disclosure of the record. If you would like more information before proceeding see Government Code Government Code § 7921.000 - 7931.000.